Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Little Deer Lost

Illustrations: Rosalind Beardshaw

Year: 2011

Publisher: Scholastic Children’s Books, London

Age: 3 – 8 years

No. of Pages: 32

Book Type: Picture Book

ISBN:  978 1 40711 0 400

Silver and Sparkle, a couple of little fawns are ecstatic at their very first snowfall. The snow turns out to be everything their mom promised it would be – cold, soft and beautiful. They play, race each other, roll and slide on the snow until they find themselves lost. Suddenly, the snow feels cold, heavy and very deep.

After a while though, their mum finds them and the magic is renewed.


Soon the sky was full of snowflakes. Silver chased them, and Sparkle flicked them with her tail.

As the snow settled, Silver kicked up little flurries, and Sparkle made patterns with her footprints.

After a while the snowflakes stopped falling, and Silver and Sparkle gazed around. A blanket of snow lay over everything. 

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