Wednesday, May 8, 2013

How to build a House

children's books, kids' literature, funny, reading is fun, clever, build, houseBy Nick Turpin and Barbara Nascimbeni

Year: 2005

Publisher: Evans Brothers, London

Age: 2 and above

No. of Pages: 32

ISBN:  978 0 23753 065 5

This story of a house that Jack, supposedly, built is a humorous look at children and the grand plans they come up with, while their parents work to make those plans a reality.

Jack wants to build a house – more like a playhouse, in his yard. All, he does is come up with a plan. He, then cleverly (rather cheekily) enlists the rest of his family to finish it!

This book belongs to the Twisters series for little ones where words are few and the illustrations speak a lot.


“We need more people.”

“Your sister can help us.”

“Good work, Dad!”

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