Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Ballet Kitty

Illustrator: Sam Williams

Year: 2007

Publisher: Boxer Books, Great Britain 

Age: 4 and above

No. of Pages:  32

ISBN: 978 1 90541 771 1

This book ought to satisfy any little girl with its ballet and ballerina themed tale. :-)

Meet Kitty, a happy little, well, kitten, whose best friend Pussycat is coming to play. She puts on her ballet outfit except for her ballet slippers. They’re nowhere to be found! Kitty begins to feel a little grumpy. A tear drop rolls down her face too. She does pull on her trainers, though and has a fantastic day with her friend.

At the end of the day, when she’s beaming with happiness, she finds her ballet slippers, just where she’d put them away, the night before. Ooops!

I read this book more than a couple of times for my kids so they’d get the message. Hint! Hint! :-)


Then Ballet Kitty kicked off her trainers. She showed Princess Pussycat her best pirouettes, her perfect plies and her cutest curtsies.

Princess Pussycat tried a pirouette too. It wasn’t as pretty as Ballet Kitty’s. But that didn’t matter. 

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