Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Head Full of Stories

children's books, stories, fun reading, fairy talesAuthor: Su Swallow

Illustrator: Tim Archbold

For Ages: 4 and above

No. of Pages: 32

Publisher: Evans Brothers, London

Year: 2005

ISBN: 0-237-53069-4

Little Jack’s head is full of stories. When his mum starts to read a bedtime story to him, he decides he can’t take another story. So she asks him to tell her a story. He does so and, one by one, all the members of his family, his cat included, get to hear a story each. Finally, when his head is empty and he’s ready for his mum to read to him, he finds that everyone’s asleep.


“You tell me a story then.”

So Jack told mom about Cinderella.

He told Dad a story too.

And Grandma …

And Grandad …

And his brother …

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