Saturday, August 29, 2015

In the Shadow of the Derricks - A Lucky Luke Adventure (5)

children's books, comics, cowboys, favorite tales, friendship, fun, fun reading, funny, horses, kids' literature, laugh, light reading, Lucky Luke, town, travel, wild animals, wildlife, By Goscinny and Morris

Year: 2007 (English translation)

Publisher: Cinebook Ltd., Kent

Age: 8 – 10 years

No. of Pages: 46

Book Type: Comic Book

ISBN:  978 1 90546 017 5

Meet Lucky Luke, “the man who shoots faster than his own shadow.” Set in the Wild, Wild West, Lucky Luke, the cool-as-cucumber cowboy is sworn in as sheriff of Titusville, a town that’s just discovered oil and plenty of it.

The town, naturally, attracts con artists and men with dubious intentions. It takes all of Lucky Luke’s wits to finish his mission and get rid of the bad people.  

There’s plenty of humor, wit and hilarious situations to keep young and old engaged. Remember the magic of Asterix comics? It’s all there except set in a different time and place. :-)

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