Monday, July 13, 2015

Arthur’s Tooth

Year: 1985

Publisher: Little Brown and Company, USA

Age: 6 to 8 years

No. of Pages: 32

Book Type: Picture Book

ISBN:  0 316 11246 1

Poor Arthur has a tough time at school. He’s the only one in his class who has yet to lose a single baby tooth. His dentist reassures him that it’s normal and that everyone is different. Arthur feels reassured even when Francine is very rude and teases him because he hasn’t lost his baby teeth.

This is an encouraging story about finding inner strength and holding on to one’s identity especially in the, sometimes, mean and hostile, school hallways, cafeteria and playground.


“I was eight before I lost my first tooth,” said Dr. Sozio. “Everyone is different.”

“Really?” said Arthur.

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