Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Taste - The senses

children's books, learning, knowledge, kids' literature, fun reading, factsAuthor: Mandy Suhr

Illustrator: Mike Gordon

Year: 1993

Publisher: Wayland Publishers, London

Age: 3 and above

No. of Pages: 32

ISBN: 978 0 75025 279 9

The kids enjoyed this book quite a bit even though it’s not a ‘storybook’.

The witty text and catchy illustrations elevate this book from a mere science book to a fun book that kids will enjoy.

I also liked the fact that the book is not just limited to humans but also touches on how some animals taste their foods.

This series ought to be a great find for little kindergarten libraries and of course, for parents who like to collect books for their little ones. :-)


Some things taste sweet.

Some things taste salty.

Some things taste sour or bitter.

Some foods taste really good when they are tasted together!

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