Saturday, September 29, 2012

Jungle Kids

For Ages: 3 and above

No. of Pages: 28

Publisher: Collins Picture Lions, London

Year: 2000

ISBN: 978 0 00198 332 8

Meet the Jungle Kids – Todd, the scientist, Jamie, the smallest and Georgina, the bossy one. They have a ‘jungle hideout’ and something’s been dipping into their stash of chocolates. They hatch an elaborate plan to find the culprit and instead, end up with a furry friend.

The narrative is endearing with several additions to the story that pop in through the illustrations. 

A corner of the page has been reserved for a delightful commentary in black-and-white. For example, when Jamie starts meandering into the story, there’s Georgina annoyed reminder – “Will you please GET ON WITH THE STORY!”


In the end, we decided to hide until the monster came then LEAP out and scare him…

We decided to do it THAT VERY EVENING …

First we got ready. 

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