Saturday, October 5, 2013

Open Wide!

children's books, dental health, dentistAuthor: Julia Moffatt

Illustrator: Anni Axworthy

For Ages: 4 and above

No. of Pages: 32

Publisher: Evans Brothers, London

Year: 2004

ISBN: 978-0-23752-791-4

This is a great book to help introduce your child to dental care and dentists. It features a simple story line but it’s a practical book to help with children like Danny. He’s been scared by his big brother and does not want to visit a dentist for a check-up. He drags his feet until he realizes the dentist isn’t all that scary.

And the full-page, full color illustrations, definitely help.


Inside, Danny was surprised. It didn’t look like a spooky cave at all.

The dentist didn’t look like a monster, either.

“Would you like a ride on my chair?” he said.

“Wheeeeee!” said Danny.

“Open wide!” said the dentist. 

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