Saturday, December 8, 2012

Hernando Fandango – The Great Dancing Dog

children's books, kids' stories, dancing dog, reality show, dancers, fun readingAuthor and Illustrator: Rachel Swirles

Year: 2012

Publisher: Meadowside Children’s Books, London

Age: 7 and above

No. of Pages: 24

ISBN: 978 1 84539 600 8

It was bound to happen sooner than later – a book for little ones set in the backdrop of a reality show. A dance show at that too!

Meet Hernando Fandango and Miss Adelaide Mogg who love dancing. Jazz, Ballroom dancing, Tap, Ballet – you name it, they do it. 

By a twist of fate, they get a chance to perform on television and enthrall the nation.

Yes, a bit far-fetched, I know, but then, isn’t that true for almost every book for tiny tots? :-)

Again, the story is set out in lyrical form so there are a few new words like kerfuffle, sensation but that's not a reason to ignore this book.


The host shouted out, “Do we have any dancers?”

Adelaide knew this was the rarest of chances.

She longed to cry out,

But she wasn’t that brave,

And already a figure had taken the stage!

Can you guess who it was,

Who could waltz, jive and tango…?

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