Saturday, June 29, 2013


children's books, fun reading, owlsAuthor: Mick Manning

Illustrator: Brita Granstrom

For Ages: 4 and above

No. of Pages: 32

Year: 2007

ISBN: 978-1-56148-568-0

Put an owl into a hen-house and what do you get? An unbelievably bold story and an unlikely hero.

So, one stormy night, an owl walks into a hen-house and thus starts a comedy of errors finally ending in the hens accepting him as their very own special cockerel.

This is a fun story for little ones. :-)


Owl got cross. He’d had enough.

He was hungry and he was fed up with the silly hens. So he said, “I’m an owl, not a fowl! Owls aren't hens. We hoot in the moonlight. We don’t peck corn, we catch … we catch …”

“Rats!” squawked a hen, peering into the hen house. 

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