Saturday, December 13, 2014

Happy Birthday Santa!

Illustrator: Ingela Peterson

Year: 2005

Publisher: Gullane Children’s Books, Great Britain

Age: 4 and above

No. of Pages: 26

ISBN: 978 1 86233 761 9

We’re all used to stories and movies about Santa bringing gifts for children. This book, though, is a rarity, in that somebody actually looks out for Santa and brings him gifts in the middle of the night.

Meet Sylvie, an elf and Rudolph , a reindeer who suddenly realize they don’t know when Santa’s birthday is. Strangely, neither do the Chief Elf nor Rudolph’s old Uncle Bert at The Reindeer Retirement Home. The duo has quite an adventure but their persistence finally pays off.

I liked this book because it's about giving gifts to Santa when it’s usually the other way around. The story ever so subtly hints at determination and persistence, qualities that our children are rarely exposed to in this 'instant' age. 


Sylvie and Rudolph found the Wise Old Owl getting ready for a night out.

“Excuse me, Owl,” said Sylvie. “Do you know when Santa’s birthday is?”

“No, my dear, I don’t,” said the owl.

Sylvie and Rudolph sighed. 

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