Saturday, April 20, 2013

Cow’s ding dong bell

Illustrator: Simon Abbott

For Ages: 3 and above

No. of Pages: 32

Publisher: Bright Sparks, UK

Year: 2002

Something is not right at Goosefeather farm. All the animals are cross or grumpy except Cow. She’s walking around with a big grin as she enjoys the sound of the bell around her neck.

That is, until she realizes that the other animals on the farm don’t quite enjoy the sound of the bell. She’s forced to sleep out in her field when she realizes that the barn her friends are in is on fire. She shakes her bell aloud and wakes the farmer and his wife who put the fire out.

The friends now celebrate Cow and her bell.

There's a message there for all of us. :-)

This friendly book, with its large print and bright, happy illustrations, belongs in your library if you have little ones.

The Goosefeather Farm series is a colorful and cheery means to introduce children to diversity and to help them appreciate the unique differences that make each of us special.  


Hen came rushing across the yard.

I've really had enough of this!” she clucked. “I can’t hear myself think. Cow! Come here!”

Cow turned around.

“Is there a problem?” she asked.

Other Goosefeather Farm titles are

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