Saturday, January 31, 2015

Hoppy Ever After!

Illustrations: Sue Mason

Year: 2007

Publisher: Zero to Ten Ltd., London

Age: 2 to 6 years

No. of Pages: 32

Book Type: Picture Books, Paperback

ISBN:  978 1 84089 579 7

This happy tale of a happy frog was first published as Froggy went a Hopping.

Meet Froggy, a deliriously happy frog who wants to share his happiness with someone. He gets shooed away by the busy bees, funny bunnies and the beautiful birds. He comes back home and finds a surprise companion to be “Hoppy ever after” with.

The little ones loved this book because of all the “tweet, tweet” and “croak, ribbit” that they got to do while reading this book.


The sky darkened and the stars came out.

Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle.

Froggy’s fingers itched and his webby toes twitched.

He wanted to twinkle too. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Usborne Little Book of Bedtime Stories

children's books, fairy tales, folk tales, bedtime, kids' stories, learn, reading is funWritten and retold by Philip Hawthorn

Year: 2002

Publisher: Usborne Publishing Ltd., London

Age: 4 and above

No. of Pages: 96

ISBN: 978 0 74604 844 0

This book is a collection of seventeen wise old fairy tales and folk tales with a modern twist and cleverly suited-up to be read as bedtime tales. From classics like Princess and the pea to the Giving Tree, the stories in this book are a great way to end the day for little ones.

Excerpt from Button Nose

‘Why, you little beast, there’s nothing here!” said the witch.

In a flash there was nothing of her either. She vanished in a puff of smoke, and in her place sat the king and queen. The magic spell had been broken because the witch had looked at the inside of the apple, which no-one had ever seen before.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

I Love You as Big as the World

Illustrations: Tim Warnes

Year: 2008

Publisher: Little Tiger Press, London

Age: 0 to 3 years

No. of Pages: 20

ISBN:  978 1 84895 644 5

This is a beautiful “I Love You” board book for little ones.

It uses the imagery of a bear and its cub to convey the beauty and vitality of one of the strongest bonds known to man, that of a parent and child. I found it a great bedtime read. The kids giggled and reveled in the creative expressions of love. :-)


I love you as strong as the wind.

I love you as soft as the dew.

I love you as far as a star. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Beautiful Ballerinas

children's books, reading is fun, kids' books, dancing, ballet, ballerinaText: Elizabeth Dombey

Illustration: Shelagh McNicholas

Year: 2014

Publisher: Grosset and Dunlap, New York

Age: 3 and above

No. of Pages: 32

ISBN: 978 0 44846 714 6

My 4-year-old zoomed into this book at the library like a bee to a flower. She’s passionate about ballet, rather, her idea of ballet and ballerinas.

This book is a soft introduction to ballet for little girls, and combines cute illustrations with photographs. The book touches on basic positions; common terms and also devotes eight pages to the history and evolution of the art. 

It should keep your budding artist engaged for quite some time! :-)


Now on to the allegro (say: ah-LEG-roh) portion of class!

The music picks up and the dancers perform faster, livelier steps, such as turns and small jumps.

Then it’s time for grand allegro, which is a series of large jumps. 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Wild Things: Hippo in the house

children's books, wildlife, wild animals, zoo, hippopotamus, pet, care, Author: Lisa Regan

Illustrator: Kelly Byrne

Year: 2011

Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing, London

Age: 4 and above

No. of Pages: 24

ISBN:  978 1 40815 680 3

I loved this wildlife series for little children. Friendly illustrations, uncluttered text in an engaging font, neat little chapters each with a quirky “You will need” section are some of the reasons why you might want this book for your little one or the school library.

Besides, this book is a fund-raising initiative from the Zoological Society of London, a charity that provides help for animals while also running the ZSL London Zoo and ZSL Whipsnade Zoo.

Other books in this series include


Bath time is a big deal for pygmy hippos. They LOVE it!  

Pygmy hippos can close their ears and nostrils to hide under the water from predators.

Pygmy hippos can hold their breath for seven minutes. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Milli, Jack, and the Dancing Cat

Year: 2003

Publisher: Philomel Books, New York

Age: 5 and above

No. of Pages: 32

ISBN: 978 0 39924 240 6

The world resonates with chance encounters that often end up as radical experiences that transform people into content and fruitful selves. 

Meet Jack and his Cat, wandering minstrels who come into a bustling town expecting to put up just another show and move on.

They bump into Milli, a shoe maker for all practical purposes but, in reality, is a free spirited dreamer who “could take a thing that was a nothing and make it into a something!”

Their friendship grows and like all good friends, they help each other excel and find their destiny. 

This is a tender story of friendship but comes power-packed with the perks of having a good friend – finding courage and confidence to follow your dream and live a full life.


Then one morning, two vagabond minstrels from faraway places trudged into town … Jack and the Dancing Cat.

People rushed and bustled here and there, never stopping long enough to notice anything even a little different.

“Just another town,” said Cat. Jack nodded his head.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Ducking for apples

Illustrator: Hiroe Nakata

Year: 2010

Publisher: Henry Holt and Company, New York 

Age: 4 and above

No. of Pages: 28

ISBN: 978 0 80508 935 6

The title “Ducking for Apples” is merely a play on words because the story is about five little ducklings that set out bicycling one fine day and chance upon an apple tree. That means snack, a pie and a cake. :-)

The vibrant watercolor illustrations burst with innocence and gush of energy that only little ones enjoy.


Three little ducks cut fruit in slices,

Mix with sugar, toss with spices.

Two little ducks press sticky dough

Down in the dish where the fruit will go. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Spells-a-popping Granny’s Shopping

Illustrator: Joe Berger

Year: 2013

Publisher: Nosy Crow, London

Age: 6 and above

No. of Pages: 32

ISBN: 978 0 85763 221 0

Tracey Corderoy’s distinctive lyrical prose takes us through the shopping adventure of a little girl and her granny who's ‘different.’

At the supermarket, Granny waves her wand and biscuits dance while popcorn pops. In just a few minutes, mayhem rules. However, Granny also helps to nab a couple of crooks and soon everyone’s ready to forgive Granny for her, errr… differences. :-)


Now Granny magicked animals off boxes, jars and tins.

Small yappy dogs and guinea pigs and cats with Cheshire grins.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Rumble in the Jungle

Illustrator: David Wojtowycz

Year: 1996

Publisher: Orchard Books, London

Age: 4 and above

No. of Pages: 32

ISBN: 978 1 86039 660 7

This book is just right for all those little ones who dream about adventures in the jungles. Rumble in the Jungle is essentially a collection of witty poems, each focused on a specific animal - crocodiles, lions, elephants and the rest!

The illustrations burst with color and vitality boosted by the use of plentiful primary colors to engage babies too!  :-)

This book is a keeper. :-)


The night has started falling
But the jungle never sleeps,
The vultures circle slowly
While the leopard softly creeps.