Saturday, November 30, 2013

Paddington at the Zoo

children's books, kids reading, fun, Paddington, zooAuthor: Michael Bond

Illustrator: R.W. Alley

For Ages: 4 and above

No. of Pages: 24

Publisher: Harper Collins, UK

Year: 1984

Some of us grew up with Paddington bear – adorable, clever and, if I may say so, pampered- in a good way. 

In this book, the little brown bear visits the zoo with a large pile of marmalade sandwiches. He's a little miffed when the gatekeeper mistakes him for a pet and refuses him entry. Of course, Judy and Jonathan convince him otherwise.

Paddington visits the birds at the aviary, the Siberian Wild Dogs, elephants and lions who all seem to like his sandwiches, much to his dismay! 


The elephant didn’t wait to be asked either. It simply made a loud trumpeting noise – “Whoooohoowooo!” – and reached down with its trunk.

Paddington watched as his third sandwich disappeared. He began to feel that going to the zoo was not such a good idea after all.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Little Yellow Digger

children's books, fun reading, digger, ladybird booksAuthor: Nicola Baxter

Illustrator: Toni Goffe

For Ages: 5 and above

No. of Pages: 28

Publisher: Ladybird Books, London

Year: 1997

ISBN: 978-0-72141-930-5

Our car fills up with excited squeals and shouts every time the kids spot a digger or an earthmover. Which is why I picked up this book. Needless to say, everyone was thrilled.

Meet the Little Yellow Digger, a hard working machine of steel with a gentle soul. He takes his orders from a very busy but clever Man with the Plan.

The Little Yellow Digger faithfully follows his instructions, interruptions notwithstanding from curious passers-by who want to know what the digger is up to. Of course, he doesn’t have the big picture yet but he entertains theories from others – a pond for a fierce Digger-crunching Shinkle Shark or a trap for a Many-headed Mud Monster and more!

The pictures are embellished liberally with humor and happiness which makes this book a keeper.

And no, I’m not going to play spoilsport here! :-)


“Just leave it to me!” said the Little Yellow Digger. “Does that mean …”

But the Man with the Plan had gone off to have a cup of tea.

So with a clank, clankety clank the Little Yellow Digger carried all the earth and all the grass over to the lorries.  

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Bug Books - Ladybird

children's books, nature, bugs, ladybirds
Authors: Karen Hartley and Chris Macro

For Ages: 4 and above

No. of Pages: 32

Publisher: Heinemann Library, Oxford

Year: 1999

ISBN: 978-0-43101-833-1

Are ladybirds beetles? Why do gardeners like ladybirds? These are just some of the few curiosities addressed in photo-packed book on the colorful ladybirds. Even the page numbers use a ladybird icon! The book also addresses why people like ladybirds. (Because they are cute!) Of course, yes.

This book makes an excellent choice if you want to introduce your children to bugs and the world of insects. Heinemann Library has published several titles in this series including Ants, Snails, Head Louse and Cockroach to mention a few. The content is balanced well. It stays factual without appearing dreary.    


Ladybirds eat garden pests that harm plants and flowers. People who have gardens like ladybirds because they help their plants.

Sometimes farmers bring ladybirds to their farms and orchards. The ladybirds eat aphids and other insects that kill the farmers’ plants. 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Big Pancake

children's books, fun reading, kids, pancakes, folk talesRetold by Nicola Baxter

Illustrator: Tony Kenyon

For Ages: 4 and above

No. of Pages: 24

Publisher: Ladybird Books, London

ISBN: 978-0-72141-694-6

This delightful adaptation of a folktale will find echoes with children of most cultures. And, anyway, a rolling-moving pancake is bound to catch the imagination of little minds.

The delightful illustrations make the tale easy to relate to – a mom in tracks and sneakers, a little boy with glasses.

Of course, children’s tales are rarely complete without talking animals, of which there are plenty here.


So, two hungry little boys cracked the eggs and …

two hungry little boys measured the milk and …

two hungry little boys weighed the flour and …

one hungry little boy mixed it all together (and got quite a lot on the floor!).

Saturday, November 2, 2013

My Big Body Book

Children's books, fun reading, learning, Author: Zita Newcome

For Ages: 2 and above

No. of Pages: 12

Publisher: Walker Books Ltd., London

Year: 2006

ISBN: 978-1-40630-412-1

This is literally a BIG book with warm, friendly illustrations and cardboard pages for the use of little ones. The book tenderly invites the child to discover the parts of the body and its functions. It covers the basics from eyes to body aerobics.

A good book to have in your library and of course, to share!


We use our ears for hearing. Listen carefully.

How many noises can you hear? Are they loud or quiet?

Some noises are nice … and some are not so nice.

What noises can you make? Can you bark like a dog or miaow like a cat?