Saturday, August 23, 2014

Cowboy Roy - Puffin Young Readers - Level 2

children's books, fun reading, cowboys, bicycles, imaginationBy Cathy East Dubowski and Mark Dubowski

Year: 2000

Publisher: Penguin Group, USA

Age: 4 and above

No. of Pages: 32

ISBN: 978-0-44841-568-0

A child’s best friend is his imagination and Roy has plenty of it!

Meet Roy, an aspiring cowboy, Meg, his sister and her doll Dolly. Roy desperately wants to learn how to ride his steed, Silver (he thinks it’s his horse but we know it’s just a bicycle ) like the others. 

One day, when Meg is in trouble, Roy and his steed rise up to the occasion and surprise everyone else.

This book belongs to the Puffin Young Readers series. 


So my dad puts on some training wheels.

Meg says, “Try again, Roy. You can do it!”

I try again. I can ride with the training wheels. But do I feel like a cowboy?


I feel like a cowbaby!

Other titles in this series

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