Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Adventures of Pinkie: A Nickname

Year: 2007

Publisher: Red Fox, Great Britain

Age: 5 and above

No. of Pages: 24

ISBN: 978-1-862-30159-7

Meet happy and cheerful little Maddy whose “clothes and shoes were usually second-hand” and lives in a lighthouse.  And yes, her favorite color is pink. Almost everything she possesses is in different shades of pink.

One day she falls in love with a perfect pair of ‘hot pink boots.’ So she helps around the house with the chores so her pink piggy bank will have enough to pay for her shoes. But she’s in for a surprise.

This is a story that little girls will identify with especially because it deals with wearing second-hand clothes and the desire for fancy things. It’s also a great picture book – with every bit of the page splashed in bold color.   


As soon as she could, Maddy rushed home to check her piggy bank.

But Pink Pig was low on funds.

What was she going to do?

Maddy’s mum and dad offered her some extra pocket money if she helped a bit more round the lighthouse. 

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